Register entry
Consider these criteria when submitting your entry
When submitting a product for the Packnorth Award 2025, there are some conditions that we will ask you to describe in order for the jury to assess the overall characteristics of the packaging.
In today’s society, packaging has to meet far more requirements than before. Where previously packaging was judged solely on its suitability to package, protect and market the product, today packaging is also required to meet a range of environmental and climate sustainability requirements.
This is why you need to consider more when designing packaging. How do you achieve packaging that meets both functional and visual design requirements while taking into account both the environment and climate in the best possible way?
When it comes to taking the environment and climate into account in the best possible way, you can see below some of the essential requirements that legislation, at EU level, imposes on today’s packaging.
- The reusability of the materials used – consider the complexity of packaging, for example, can it be taken apart easily and intuitively by the consumer?
- Increase the content of recycled materials in the packaging
- Be aware of possible hazardous and harmful substances in the materials and chemicals used.
- Promote recycling without compromising food safety or hygiene standards.
- Minimize the weight and volume of the packaging (with due regard to the safety and functionality of the packaging).
In addition to these legal requirements for packaging, there may also be so-called market requirements. It may be that the market in which the packaging is to be used has requirements or expectations for certain environmental or product labels. If this is the case, for example if the cardboard substrate consists of wood fibers from FSC forests, you must consider whether it is possible to include these materials in your design considerations. Corresponding product labels exist for some types of plastics.
Describe considerations, documentation, etc. that you consider relevant for an overall assessment of your contribution.
Please note that this is requested by the jury but not mandatory.